Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Southpaw the Epic Boxing Novel Can Be Yours For Free

FREE from Dec 19 thru the 23rd

A young Scottish boxer breaks away from the shackles of his environment only to find himself mixed up with heroin smuggling in Asia. A story of violence, prison, fear and desperation, which leads to inner reflection and finally redemption. 
Fear and loathing in a drug induced stupor with a helter skelter ride from hell and back, this book will change the face of British fiction. 

Southpaw is one of the most insightful novels I have ever read. This young mans journey is a dark scary look at life in the underbelly of society. His use of dialect, patios, argot and vernacular entwine the reader in a dizzy eloquent spell of literary legerdemain. Lulling us into the life of a protagonist who stumbles from saint to sinner as he embarks on a terrifying odyssey of self discovery. A ghetto Einstein with who is forced to come to terms with a lifetime behind bars in a Bangkok hell hole. This deep profound study of the human condition encompasses the teachings of the greatest spiritual leaders, and forces us to look deep inside our own inner being and search for answers that have haunted mankind since the beginning of time. Who are we…and why are we here.? 
Southpaw is a rich and deeply compelling novel which time and time again brings the reader face to face with the nature of the human condition. Here, exposed for all to read, are human beings caught in their moments of extremity. 
This is not a sober, contemplative book, such as we look for when we take down a volume of Tolstoy. Nor will this story provide an answer to those essential questions about humanity – about life or death – that have preoccupied the human race for so many millennia. Here is no easy blueprint for surviving the cold truths of universal entropy – no quick guide to deliverance from the darkness that surrounds our fragile and momentary existence on this planet. 
But what you will find here is a heart wrenching story that will assist you as you grapple with those inexplicable forces of darkness, as you confront destruction, debilitation, misdirection, inappropriateness and plain fucking bad luck.

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